Our Team

Our team members have completed their master's and doctoral degrees and are currently residing in the United States.

Image of Yasemin Karakoç - one of the co-founders

Dr. Yasemin Karakoç


Karakoç has a bachelor’s degree in American Culture and Literature from Istanbul University, an MA in Educational Administration and Supervision from Yeditepe University, and a PhD in Educational Technology from Bahçeşehir University. She is currently a faculty member at Istanbul Medipol University’s Faculty of Business and Management Sciences. She is also the deputy director of the University’s Distance Education Application and Research Center and a member of the Accreditation and Quality Unit. Karakoc, whose areas of specialization are research methods, educational statistics, instructional design, and English language teaching, has provided education and consultancy services to hundreds of students during her 15-year professional life.

Image of Oğuzhan Yangöz - one of the co-founders

Oğuzhan Yangöz


Yangöz has a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Foreign Language Education from Yildız Technical University. After working as a lecturer for three years, he was awarded a Fulbright scholarship and worked as a teaching assistant at Yale University where he also took graduate-level courses in Computer Science and Data Science. After completing the Fulbright program, he completed his second Master's Degree in Computer Science with focus on Cognition and Machine Intelligence at George Washington University. His areas of interest include Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing, and he has helped many of his students with their graduate studies abroad since the beginning of his career.